Anna Middleton PhD MSc RGC
Creative research leader who delivers high impact social science

This website was last updated in 2016, for more recent work you can now find me at the Wellcome Genome Campus Society and Ethics Reserch Group in Cambridge, UK
A highly entrepreneurial researcher who designs and delivers cutting edge social science research for the Wellcome Genome Campus, Cambridge, UK
Head of the Social Science and Ethics Group
Course tutor MSt Genomic Medicine at University of Cambridge (lead for counselling and Elsi modules)
Explores the social and ethical impact of genomics on people.
Continually asking - how is society responding to genomic technology?
Utilises both quantitative and qualitative research methods to gather empirical data on attitudes, beliefs and values about genomics.
An enthusiastic communicator who thrives on stimulating discussion, motivating others and inspiring change.
Produces outcomes that have a practical value, e.g. films that can be used in teaching and public engagement.
Is a subject matter expert on ethics for Health Education England's training for all health professionals taking consent for the 100k Genomes Project.
Experienced genetic counsellor who has co-written the core curriculum for genetic counselling training in the UK.
Current Vice-chair of the Association of Genetic Nurses and Counsellors in the UK and ROI.
Dr Middleton has had two parallel careers:
The first as a registered genetic counsellor working within various regional clinical departments in the National Health Service in the UK.
The second as an academic social scientist specialising in research into the social impact of genetic technology and services on people. Has a particular interest in how individuals and families understand and relate to genetic/genomic information.
Genetic counselling research and practice
Questionnaire design
Qualitative and quantitative methods
Creation of genetic counselling policy
Specialist Interests
Attitudes towards the sharing of incidental findings from whole genome studies
Attitudes towards genetic testing for deafness
Attitudes towards access of genetic counselling services
Breast/ovarian cancer clinical work
Counselling supervision
Transcultural genetic counselling
2010 - present
2010 - present