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Anna Middleton PhD MSc RGC
Creative research leader who delivers high impact social science

This website was last updated in 2016, for more recent work you can now find me at the Wellcome Genome Campus Society and Ethics Reserch Group in Cambridge, UK
Invited presentation given to Personalised Medicine, the Promise the Hype and the Pitfalls conference in Oxford, 2016
This conference is a joint initiative between the Oxford Healthcare Values Partnership ( and the Stratification in Colorectal Cancer Consortium
Invited presentation given to the UK Biobank Ethics and Governance Council, 2014
Invited Interview with Genomics Education Programme, Health Education England, 2016. Used for training health professionals
Interviews on ethics and genomics, 2014 for teaching on:
NHS National Genetics and Genomics for Healthcare website
Health Education England and NOWGEN e-learning course on bioinformatics 2014
Interviews for the Royal Society Festival of Science 2013
Part of the Beyond the Genome exhibit for the Sanger Institute
Sample of films written by Anna Middleton, made by NeonOtter Film Productions for the genomethics online questionnaire
View the films within the questionnaire here:
Introduction to Genomics
Introduction to Questionnaire
Incidental Findings

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