Anna Middleton PhD MSc RGC
Creative research leader who delivers high impact social science

This website was last updated in 2016, for more recent work you can now find me at the Wellcome Genome Campus Society and Ethics Reserch Group in Cambridge, UK
Invited book chapters, papers and letters that have been editor reviewed
Middleton A (2009) Beliefs about Genetics and Genetic Counselling. British Deaf News. October issue. ISSN: 1756-4514
Blankmeyer Burke T, Belk R, Middleton A (2008) Legislation, Deafness and Reproductive Rights. Comments on Clause 14 of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill. Bionews. Progress Educational Trust. 5 Feb 2008 http://www.bionews.org.uk/commentary.lasso?storyid=3721
Middleton A (2006) Beliefs about Genetics and Genetic Counselling. Sign Matters. September issue. British Deaf Association: Coventry