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Invited book chapters, papers and letters that have been editor reviewed

Wright C, Middleton A, Parker M (2015) Ethical, legal and social issues in genomics. In: Genomic Medicine: Principles and Practice. Editors: Dhavendra Kumar and Charis Eng. 2nd Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, p250-258


Middleton A (2013) Communicating with clients who are D/deaf or hard of hearing.  In: Wiggins J and Middleton A (Eds) (2013) Getting the message across: communication with diverse populations in clinical genetics.  New York: Oxford University Press, p1-25

Middleton A, Neary W, Moller K (2009) Facts and figures about deafness, NF2 and Deafblindness.  In: A Middleton (Ed) Working with deaf people – a handbook for health professionals.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p1-28

Middleton A (2009) General themes to consider when working with deaf and hard of hearing clients.  In: A Middleton (Ed) Working with deaf people – a handbook for health professionals.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p29-83

Middleton A (2009) Specialist issues relevant to working with d/Deaf clients.  In: A Middleton (Ed) Working with deaf people – a handbook for health professionals.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p129-138

Gregory M, Middleton A, Atkinson P (2009) Chapter 5: Timescapes and Genescapes.  In: C Gaff and Bylund C (Eds).  Family communication about genetics: theory and practice.  Oxford University Press: New York

Middleton A (2009) Beliefs about Genetics and Genetic Counselling.  British Deaf News. October issue.  ISSN: 1756-4514

Blankmeyer Burke T, Belk R, Middleton A (2008) Legislation, Deafness and Reproductive Rights.  Comments on Clause 14 of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill.  Bionews.  Progress Educational Trust.  5 Feb 2008

Middleton A (2007) Attitudes of deaf people and their families towards issues surrounding genetics.  In: A Martini, D Stephens and AP Read (Eds). Genes, Hearing and Deafness.  From Molecular Biology to Clinical Practice.  London: Informa Healthcare, p163-172

Middleton A (2006) Genetic Counselling and the d/Deaf Community. In: D Stephens and L Jones (Eds). The Effects of Genetic Hearing Impairment in the Family.  London: Wiley, p257-284

Middleton A, Moumoulidis I, Crossland G, Raghu M, Kumar Singh P, Reid E, Axon P (2006) Attitudes of Individuals with Otosclerosis Towards Genetic Technology. In: Stephens D and L Jones (Eds).  The Effects of Genetic Hearing Impairment in the Family.  London: Wiley, p237-244

Middleton A (2006) Beliefs about Genetics and Genetic Counselling.  Sign Matters. September issue.  British Deaf Association: Coventry

Middleton A (2005) Parents’ attitudes towards genetic testing and the impact of deafness in the family.  In: Stephens D & Jones L (Eds). The Impact of Genetic Hearing Impairment.  London: Whurr, p11-53

Middleton A (2004) Deaf and hearing adults’ attitudes towards genetic testing for deafness. In Van Cleve, J V (ed), Genetics, Disability, and Deafness.  Washington, D.C: Gallaudet University Press, p127-47

Anna Middleton
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