Anna Middleton PhD MSc RGC
Creative research leader who delivers high impact social science
This website was last updated in 2016, for more recent work you can now find me at the Wellcome Genome Campus Society and Ethics Reserch Group in Cambridge, UK
Middleton A (2017) Socialising the Genome. Invited keynote at the Congresso Interdisciplinar en Genetica Humana 25-28 April, Madrid
Middleton A (2017) Public Perceptions of Genomics. Invited keynote at the Association of Genetic Nurses and Counsellors annual conference. Leeds, 24th April
Middleton A and Kenwrick Sue (co-module leads) (2017) Designed, delivered and co-ordinated the Counselling Skills for Genomics module (150 hours) on the Mst Genomic Medicine for health professionals, supported by Health Education England. University of Cambridge, 3-7 April
Middleton A (2017) Ethics and Genetics. Invited presentation to the Forward Institute Leaders residential course, 22nd March, Wellcome Genome Campus Conference Centre, Cambridge
Middleton A (2017) Your DNA, Your Say. Cambridge Festival of Science evening event with the public. 13th March, MichaelHouse cafe, Cambridge
Middleton A (2016) Socialising the Genome: Policy implications of genomics. Teaching on the Master programme at POLIS University of Cambridge, 17th Nov, 1st Dec, two hour sessions
Middleton A (2016) Ethics and Genomics. Teaching on the Wellcome Trust Advanced Course for professionals: Molecular Pathology and Diagnosis of Cancer, Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, 14th November
Middleton A (2016) Socialising the Genome. Invited Ann McPherson Memorial Lecture. Green Templeton College, 10th October, Oxford
Middleton A (2016) Prioritising Participation: Your Genome, Your Research Agenda. Introduction to Participant GeCIP for Social Science and Ethics. Wellcome Trust, 29th September, London
Middleton A (2016) Genome Data Privacy. Invited panel member for public event by the British Science Association, supported by Genomics England. Wellcome Collection, 21 September, London
Middleton A (2016) DNA and Big Data. Invited panel member and presenter on Personalised Medicine: The Promise, the Hype and the Pitfalls. University of Oxford. 9th September, Oxford.
Middleton A (2016) Tutor on Public Engagement Masterclass,Conference Centre, Wellcome Genome Campus, Cambridge, 20-22 July
Middleton A (2016) Socialising the Genome. Social and Behavioural Research in Genomic Medicine Symposium. UCL Institute of Child Health, London, 17th June
Middleton A (2016) Gathering attitudes from the public towards data sharing: survey and films. CHIPME meeting, 21st May, Barcelona, Spain
Middleton A (2016) Teaching technology and genomics in a rapidly changing envirnoment in the UK. Global trends in genetic counsellor education. Transnational Aliance of Genetic Counseling (TAGC) Fourth International Meeting. The Global State of Genetic Counseling, 20th May, Barcelona, Spain
Middleton A (2016) Invited chair and organiser of the credentialing session for Transnational Aliance of Genetic Counseling (TAGC) Fourth International Meeting. The Global State of Genetic Counseling, 19th May, Barcelona, Spain
Middleton A (2016) Teaching on 2nd year MSc Genetic Counselling course, Cardiff University, 3 hours: Ethics of Genomics and Working With Deaf Clients. 6th May, Cardiff.
Middleton A (2016) Socialising the Genome. SAC Retreat presentation for Sager group leaders and managers. Down Hall, 26th April, Essex
Middleton A (2016) Overview of Genetic Counselling. 1 day workshop delivered with Dr Christine Patch from Guys and St Thomas' Hospital. Invited by the Centre for Arab Genomic Studies as part of the Pan Arab Human Genetics Conference, Dubai 21-23 January
Middleton A (2015) If you know it, I'd like to know it too. Article for the Newsletter of the British Society for Genetic Medicine. Issue 53, October 2015
Middleton A (2015) Practical ethics and germline genome editing. The Science and Ethics of Genome Editing Workshop. Wellcome Genome Campus 10th December
Middleton A (2015) Genomics and social science. Invited seminar to the Genomics and Society group, Kings College London, 1st December
Middleton A (2015) Ethics and Genomics. Teaching on the Wellcome Trust Advanced Course for professionals: Molecular Pathology and Diagnosis of Cancer, Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, 24th November
Middleton A (2015) Practical ethics cases. Teaching on Introduction to genomics module of the MSt Genomic Medicine. University of Cambridge, 16th October.
Middleton A (2015) Return of results in participant-centred genomic research. Invited presentation at the Brocher Foundation. Ethical aspects of participant-centred research initiatives. HC Howard, E Vayena, P Borry. Geneva 1-2 October.
Middleton A (2015) Socialising the Genome. Invited presentation to Radbound University Leaders visit to the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, 18th September.
Middleton A (2015) Community engagement. Invited presentation for the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health at the European Society Human Genetics conference, Glasgow, 7th June.
Middleton A (2015) Ethics and Social Science. Invited presentation for the DDD Collaborators meeting at the European Society Human Genetics conference, Glasgow, 5th June
Middleton A (2015) Ethics and Technologies. Teaching to campus PhD students, Wellcome Trust Sanger Instititue, Cambridge. 22 May.
Middleton A (2015) Ethics and Genomics. Teaching on MSc Genetic Counselling course. Cardiff University. 8th May
Middleton A (2015) Genetic counselling and deafness. Teaching on MSc Genetic Counselling course. Cardiff University. 8th May
Middleton A (2015) Engagement of Research Participants: incidental findings. Global Alliance for Genomics and Health UK Meeting Wellcome Trust, London 24 April 2015
Middleton A (2015) Response to the Nuffield Council on Bioethics report on 'The collection, linking and use of data in biomedical research and health care: ethical issues'. Commentary on the Data Initiatives in Biomedical Research. Westiminster, 3rd February
Middleton A (2015) Ethics and Society considerations in the DDD project. Presentation delivered to the Rare Diseases Policy team and Genomics Policy team from the Department of Health. Hinxton Hall, Cambridge. 19th January
Middleton (2014) Deciphering Developmental Disorders project. Past, Present, Future:the Ethics and Governance
of Big Biobanks conference. UK Biobank Ethics and Governance Council. Wellcome Trust, London, 3-5 November
Middleton A (2014) Attitudes of young people to receiving data from sequencing technologies. RSM Joint meeting RCPCH and RSM Paediatric & Child Health Section and in association with the Clinical Genetics Society. Genomics of paediatric disease. London, 21 October
Middleton A (2014) What’s the fuss about incidental findings? Opportunistic screening and international attitudes. Melbouren Genomics Health Alliance and Functional Genomics Series at the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia, 8th August. Invited International Plenary speaker.
Middleton A (2014) What is 'personal genomics'? teaching on the Societal Issues and Personal Genomics course for Biological Sciences third year degree students at University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 7th August
Middleton A (2014) DDD Ethics Study: overview of achievements and future plans. DDD Collaborators Meeting. Cambridge, 23 May
Middleton A (2014) DDD project: Molecular study overview and Ethics overview. Delivery to Peter Goodhand, Executive Director, Global Alliance; Mark Bale, Deputy Head of Health Science and Bioethics, Department of Health; Michael Dunn, Head of Genetic and Molecular Services, Wellcome Trust. Cambridge, 23 May
Middleton A (2014) Incidental findings from sequencing studies: who wants to know what? ethics and attitudes. Association of Clinical Genetic Science annual conference. Birmingham, 29 April
Middleton A (2014) Social media and research. Post doctoral conference at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Cambridge, 10 April
Middleton A (2014) panel discussion together with Sir Mike Stratton and Baroness Helena Kenedy on medical genetics. Names Not Numbers festival of ideas, Aldeborough, Suffolk, 23-25 March
Middleton A (2014) Sanger and EBI staff participation in the Genomethics study? your attitudes towards sharing incidental findings from genome research. Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge. 24th January
Middleton A (2014) Genomics, ethics and what people want to know. University of Cambridge. Public Policy. 23rd January
Middleton A (2014) It's in your genes: what would you want to know? Cafe Scientifique. Bishops Stortford. 20th January
Middleton A (2014) Ethics and Genomics. Teaching on the Wellcome Trust Advanced Course for professionals: Fundamentals of Clinical Genetics, Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, 17th January
Middleton A (2013) Genomics, ethics: what's all the fuss about incidental findings? Sheffield Institute of Biotechnological Law and Ethics at Sheffield University, 27th November
Middleton A (2013) Genomics, ethics and what people want to know. Teaching on the Wellcome Trust Advanced Course for professionals: Molecular Pathology and Diagnosis of Cancer, Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, 15th November
Middleton A (2013) What's all the fuss about incidental findings? Genethics Club Plenary presentation. Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, 8th November
Middleton A (2013) Genomics, ethics and what people want to know. Teaching on the University of Cambridge and Life Technologies training event: 'Genomics in Medicine' September 27th, approved by the Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians
Middleton A (2013) Tweeting, blogging and just plain winging it: utilising social media to recruit into social sciences research. HeLEX Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies, University of Oxford, 9th September
Middleton A (2013) Genomics, ethics and what people want to know. British Humanist Society, Cambridge, 21st August
Middleton A, Patch C, Wiggins J, Barnes K, Crawford C, Benjamin C, Bruce A on behalf of the Association of Genetic Nurses and Counsellors in the UK (2013) Position Statement on Opportunistic Genomic Screening. AGNC website and publication forthcoming
Middleton A (2013) International attitudes towards sharing 'incidental findings' from whole genome research studies: empirical data from health professionals, genomic researchers and the public. Public Health Genomic Foundation on Realising Genomics in Clinical Practice. 9-10 July, Madingley Hall, Cambridge
Middleton A (2013) Ethics and Social Science. DDD Collaborators meeting. Hinxton Hall, Cambridge, 24th May
Middleton A (2013) Critique of recent ACMG recommendations on incidental findings. Workshop on human disease related variants. 22nd April. Sanger/EBI, Cambridge
Middleton A (2011) Ethical implications of genomics. Foundation Brocher, 11th August, Geneva, Switzerland
Middleton A (2011) Ethics, genomics and Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Collaborative Group for Genetics in Healthcare GenRes NIHR Genetics Speciality Group Conference 1st July, Newcastle
Middleton A (2011) Ethical aspects of whole genome analysis. 7th International DECIPHER symposium. 23-25 May, Cambridge
Middleton A (2011) Genethics: what to do with incidental findings from whole genome studies? Invited seminar for the Human Genetics Group at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge, 19th April
Middleton A (2011) Genethics: whole genome studies, incidental findings and the DDD project. Invited seminar for the East Anglia Regional Genetics Service, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, 14th April
Middleton A (2011) Invited panel member of Personal Genomics Debate at Cambridge Next Generation Sequencing Day, Centre for Mathematical Sciences at University of Cambridge 28th March
Middleton A (2011) The Ethics of Genetics: an exploratory study on the views of patients and health professionals involved in the DDD project. Invited seminar at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge, 18th Feb
Middleton A (2009) ‘They just take these genes and fix ‘em together and create a fake human’ - views from Deaf people about genetics. Invited seminar at the Deafness Cognition and Language (DCAL) Centre and UCL Ear Institute at University Central London. 8th October 2009
Middleton A (2009) ‘They just take these genes and fix ‘em together and create a fake human’ – views about genetic counselling; barriers to accessing services. Invited seminar at the Department of Clinical and Molecular Genetics, Institute of Child Health, London, 21st July 2009
Middleton A (2009) Working with deaf people: a handbook for genetics professionals. Booklet and DVD. Printed by Clements Pope, Cardiff, distributed by Cardiff University
Middleton A, Skirton H, Scott G (2009) Accreditation of Mlevel Degrees in Genetic Counselling for the Purposes of Preparing Genetic Counsellors for Registration. Genetic Counsellor Registration Board publication,
Middleton A (2008) ‘They just take these genes and fix ‘em together and create a fake human’ – views from deaf people about genetics. Invited seminar at the Centre for Family Research, University of Cambridge, 25th November 2008
Middleton A (2008) Choosing deaf embryos and the law: the UK Deaf community challenges the UK government. Invited seminar to the University of California in Los Angeles, UCLA Center for Society and Genetics, LA, USA, 30th October 2008
Middleton A (2008) Barriers to accessing genetic counselling: thoughts from deaf people and recommendations for genetics professionals. Invited seminar to the Wessex Regional Genetics Laboratory, Salisbury District Hospital, 15th October 2008
Middleton A (2008) Deafness and genetics: what deaf people want from genetic services. Invited presentation to the GenCAG group, Department of Health, 8th October 2008, London
Middleton A, Emery S, Turner G (2008) Deafness and Genetics: What do deaf people want? Public Consultation: 18 September 2008, Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay 11am-5pm
Middleton A, Skirton H, Scott G, Baines L, Kirk M, Scotcher D, Watson S (2008) Accreditation of MLevel degrees in genetic counselling for the purposes of preparing genetic counsellors for registration. In house publication for the AGNC,
Middleton A, Kerzin-Storrar L, Arnold A, Gaff C, Wiggins J, Benjamin C (2008) Report on UK Registration of Overseas Genetic Counsellors. Written by the UK Registration of Overseas Genetic Counsellors Working Group, on behalf of the Genetic Counsellor Registration Board UK and Eire and the Association of Genetic Nurses and Counsellors UK and Eire Committee. Latest update 04/02/08. In house publication for the AGNC,
Middleton A (2008) Why don’t Deaf People come for Genetic Counselling? Invited seminar at the Clinical Genetics Department, Birmingham Women’s Hospital, 8th May 2008, Birmingham
Middleton A (2008) Human Fertilisation Embryology Bill. Invited seminar at the All Wales Medical Genetics Service, 24th January 2008, Cardiff
Middleton A (2007) Genetic counselling in silence: attitudes of the Deaf community towards genetic counselling. Invited seminar at University of Glamorgan, 25th January 2007, Wales
Middleton A (2006) Deafness, genetics and attitudes. Invited seminar at Health Communication Research Centre, Cardiff University, 11th July 2006, Cardiff
Middleton A (2006) Deaf perceptions about genetics and genetic counselling. Invited seminar at Centre for Deaf Studies, Bristol University, 28th April 2006, Bristol
Middleton A (2006) Deaf perceptions of genetic counselling – setting up a research project. Invited seminar at Institute of Medical Genetics, Cardiff University, 7th April 2006, Cardiff. Also invited to deliver this seminar to CESaGen, Department of Social Sciences Seminar programme, Cardiff University, 21st March 2006.
Middleton A (2005) Inherited breast cancer and the NICE guidelines on familial breast cancer. East Anglia Breast Care Nurses conference 19th April, Cambridge
Middleton A (2005) Attitudes of deaf adults towards genetics and genetic testing. Round Table Presentation and Discussion on Social Impact and Communication in Genetic Disorders. Genes, Hearing and Deafness from Molecular Biology to Clinical Practice. Final meeting of the European Thematic Network on Genetic Deafness. March 17-19 2005, Caserta, Italy
Middleton A (2004) It runs in the family – how to manage an inherited risk of breast cancer. NHSBSP National Co-ordinating Group for Nurses – Breast Care Nurses Conference, 10-11th March, Stansted
Middleton A (2004) Genetics of breast cancer. East Midlands Breast Care Nurses Conference. 12th July, Derby.
Middleton A (2003) Attitudes of deaf adults towards genetics. Invited speaker at Genetics, Disability and Deafness conference, Gallaudet University, Washington DC, USA, 2-4th April
Middleton A (2003) Pre-natal testing for deafness – ethics and attitudes. European Concerted Action Group on Psychosocial Aspects of Genetics conference, Edinburgh, 16th Nov 2003
Middleton A (2000) A study of the attitudes of hearing parents towards genetic testing for deafness. NHS Research and Development Conference, York
Middleton A (2002) Pre-natal testing for deafness – attitudes and ethics. Department of Health Steering Group conference on the Newborn Hearing Screening Programme, London, 3rd Sept 2002
Middleton A (2002) Genetic Counselling for Breast Cancer: risk assessment, genetic testing, ethical dilemmas. National Study Day for Breast Care Nurses Conference, Ipswich Hospital, Ipswich